Walgreens 6742 WIC Store NC

You are viewing the details for Walgreens 6742, a WIC approved store in Gastonia, NC. On this page we try to provide the store phone number, hours of operation and address for this location. If you do decide to shop at this store, we recommend you call them prior to going to verify they still accept North Carolina WIC benefits as their status can change from time to time. Below we list some tips to help your shopping experience. Also, make sure you save your receipts to show proof of your purchases and to view your latest WIC balance.

WIC Store Shopping Tip

Before headng out, make sure you plan out your trip with a few tips below:

  • Don't use before the "Not Good Before" or after the "Not Good After" date
  • Set an alarm on your cell one week before the "Last Day to Use" on your checks
  • Buy foods printed on WIC check or listed on the CA WIC approved food list
  • Tell the store clerk you are using WIC benefits
  • Show the clerk your WIC ID card
  • For paper WIC checks, make sure the clerk enters correct price on check
  • Do not sign the WIC check until the cashier has written the total on it
  • Option to combine foods from Whole Grains category (bread, rice, & tortillas)
  • You can do the same with combining ounces of juice
  • Use coupons, discounts, sales and promotions to save money
  • Have cash and small bills available to speed up your checkout
  • Use cooler to keep meats, milk, cheese and other items cold during your trip

To reduce the hassles at the register, make sure to bring your North Carolina WIC ID to the store when you shop. If you have an alternate shopper setup, make sure your proxies sign the WIC ID before they get to the store. At checkout, separate your WIC foods from the rest of your grocery items in your cart to make it easier for the cashier to identify WIC foods.

If the cashier has a negative attitude, first stay calm and ask questions to learn more about the cashier's concerns. If the cashier can't or won't address the issue, ask to talk to the store manager, or go the service desk and call the NC WIC office.

  • WIC Store Address

    Walgreens 6742
    2500 E Franklin Blvd
    Gastonia, NC 28056

  • WIC Store Phone Number

    It appears we currently do not have the phone number for this NC WIC approved store.

  • Click here to update this WIC store.

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WIC Store Hours We currently do not have the hours of operations for this WIC approved store.
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