Iowa WIC Approved Stores

Below is a list of cities that have WIC approved stores in Iowa. Simply select a city below and see all available locations in that city. We try to provide the WIC locations phone number, address and hours of operations for each Iowa WIC vendor listed on this site. Once you have found a store, we recommend you contact them to verify they still sell WIC approved foods, as their status may have changed.

Also, because not all foods are approved at these stores, you should sit down and plan your shopping trip, so you will be ready when you get there. Always bring your signed WIC folder with you as well, which contains the Iowa WIC approved food list and your checks and vouchers. Or if you have one, your IA WIC EBT card.

While shopping at your local grocery store, do not use your checks before the "First Date to Use" or after the "Last Date to Use." Buy only the food printed on your check. At checkout make sure you separate your food items from non-WIC food items. Each WIC check must be rung up separately by the cashier.

Tell the cashier you are using WIC checks and make sure they put the correct amount on the check. From there, show them your Iowa WIC ID envelope. Please remember, only you or your alternate shopper may sign the checks at the store. Your alternate shopper must sign the front of the WIC ID envelope before going to the store.

It is recommended that you try not to use all of your checks at once, or you will end up with a lot of milk and other things that could go bad or spoil. Spreading out your WIC checks can help supplement your food purchases. If possible, try to make your trips to the store to buy food for the Iowa WIC program separate from regular grocery trips as this can make things easier for yourself.

You should also set a reminder for yourself a day or two before your WIC checks expire so you don't risk having a check expire and not be able to use it. Below are some additional shopping tips that can stretch your checks and food dollars:

  • Use coupons
  • Make a shopping list
  • Create a weekly meal plan based on food prices
  • Check store ads and websites for sales
  • Use grocery store club cards
  • Buy store or generic brands
  • Take advantage of "buy one, get one free" specials
  • Buy fresh fruits and vegetables that are in season
  • Pay attention when scanning to make sure you are charged the correct shelf price

If you have a problem at the grocery store, ask to speak with the store manager. If they are unable to satisfy the problem, then go ahead and contact the Iowa WIC program. Always save your store receipts for your record and to keep a tally on your current WIC balance. Report the following: date, time, store name, names of the staff involved and the details of the issue at hand.

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