Fresno WIC Stores CA
This page provides a list of WIC approved stores in Fresno California. Select a location listed below to view the stores phone number, address and when they are open. If you do find a location you plan to visit, we recommend calling them before going shopping to verify they still sell items approved by the California WIC program. Sometimes their status can change from time to time. Also, you can look for the "WIC Accepted Here" sign at the grocery store or pharmacy entrance to see if they accept CA WIC benefits.
Shopping with your California WIC food guide can feel somewhat unnerving. Most grocery stores do not make it easy with the WIC logo next to the items you can purchase. Because of that, we recommend you plan out what you want to buy and make a list before you get to the store. That way it will look like you have your cart well organized and you don't end up standing in the aisle with a look of confusion with book in hand. To see what you can buy, view the CA WIC approved food list.
Until you become familiar shopping using WIC, you may want to visit one of the Fresno WIC Approved stores listed below in the late evening or early morning when it isn't so crowded. This will allow you additional time without pressure from others to review the requirements and make sure your purchases match. If you can, try to leave the children at home with a sitter or another responsible adult and take time to become familiar with the process.
Always remember to bring your California WIC ID folder. It contains your food list and your WIC checks/vouchers. The cashier will need to see it as well when you check out. When you select one of the Fresno WIC stores below, we will provide shopping tips to hopefully help make your shopping experience quicker and easier.
If you have any questions or issues about WIC approved stores or about your benefits, then please contact the CA WIC program.